When it comes to dental health, at Children’s Dentistry of Abilene, we are experts. But beyond expertise, we understand the challenges of instilling good dental health habits in children during their early years.

In addition to brushing teeth three times a day, being cautious about sugar-rich foods, and the importance of good hydration, there is one tool many people seem to overlook: dental floss.

Discovering Dental Floss

Dental floss does not replace brushing or any other dental health habit. It’s a unique and irreplaceable complement. Methodically, using dental floss helps remove bacteria and plaque, which simple brushing cannot.

For example, if we notice slight bleeding in the gums while using dental floss, the gums are inflamed. This inflammation is due to plaque buildup in the area. If the bleeding is significant and persists, it’s best to consult a professional.

Besides helping to reduce gum inflammation, flossing also removes uncomfortable food particles between the teeth. Once flossing becomes a regular part of the dental routine, removing it feels bothersome. People become accustomed to the pleasant sensation of having a clean mouth.

Benefits of Dental Floss

It’s always possible to add a new healthy practice to your life! If you think it’s too late or have any dental floss issues, contact our professionals. They can help you find a solution to your dental problems and guide you on the path to quality dental health.

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